The Agronomic Benefits of using Electronica Tungsten Carbide Applying Tungsten Carbide in key areas protects the shape and design of the part, ensuring optimum performance throughout its entire life. On a component without Electronica Tungsten Carbide – the edges wear becoming rounded - are more likely to smear - and they compress the soil when running through it.
This compressive, smearing action of a worn part acts on the soil at depth. Often this is at the ‘problem depth’ when soil loosening, or the key seedbed depth, critical for early crop emergence and essential root growth when cultivating.
In either situation, smearing at this depth creates a barrier for root growth, water and air movement. These barriers created by smearing are worsened when soil is damp, effective water and air movement is vital for crop establishment and growth. These barriers can also create localized flooding which even when temporary will reduce plant growth and yield potential. In most cases with non-Tungsten Carbide parts, wear life is improved by making leading edges thicker, the thought being that they will last longer before the part loses its length and lifting effect.
However, this bulkier part will wear to a more severely rounded edge, further increasing the smearing. Using Electronica Tungsten Carbide eliminates smearing, it enables the part to cut through the soil rather than compressing it, relieving compaction and giving drainage directly where it is needed. The self-sharpening property of Tungsten Carbide ensures the cutting edge will never round off, keeping its shape and high performance for the duration of its life. Make greater progress with Electronica tungsten carbide tools for soil cultivation